Not on My Wall.........

I'm back. Typing is such an effort that I'll cut right to the story.
That would be the one about the devil worshiping rams head.
Actually the real ram's head is much more impressive and sinister than the picture from yesterday's blog. When my grandson saw it he insisted we hang the entire skull on the wall and drape it with lights (especially the eye sockets). I demurred as it was my wall upon which he proposed to hang the offending bones.
"I love you forever but not to the gates of hell" I replied. I'm not superstitious but this ram's skull is so thoroughly creepy I could envision myself in a long black cape and black candle. I'm sure this is not what my granddaughter intended when she made the last-thirty-second bid on ebay. Carole wanted a beautiful horn for a lamp like the one pictured. What she got was the Omen.
Sarah's brother came today and assured us that he would make two beautiful lamps from the skull. (And no, he's not afraid of the devil. ) Here's a pix of what I hope our new lamps look like. I doubt I'll have either one in this house.
OK. I'm done typing. Sending love.......