Golden Lucy's Spiral Journal

Going on 87...Savoring and Surviving the Senior Years

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Every Picture Tells a Story...The Groom's Dinner

I've been trying to put together a picture story of Ben and Teresa's wedding celebrations. It's been very frustrating. First, I'm totally overwhelmed by the number of photos I have to work with---and these are not the professional proofs. It boggles my mind. I remember when finding a few good shots on a roll of 12-36 was a happy surprise---and that only after waiting days for the prints to come back from processing. Now I feel like I'm trying to claw my way out of a silo inexorably filling up with grain. (I saw that once in a movie---scary!)

Then, there's the story concept problem. I have this thing about not wanting to trot out the family photos and expect folks to find them--and my literal, blow-by-blow narration fascinating or entertaining. You know: "And here's Shlomie's Uncle Irving with Irene Plotnik. They sat next to us at the table." (Although I've personally begun to find this kind of thing strangely interesting, I fear it's a sign of my decline.)

Thus, I've decided to choose photos that instead of telling the literal story of the wedding, reflect thoughts and reactions. Perhaps random, perhaps frivolous but more interesting---at least to me. I think I'll start with the hat.

Carole wore a vintage pillbox hat to the groom's dinner last Friday. I can't imagine why. Just cussedness I think, as she knew nobody else would. In any case, by the end of the evening nearly everybody had worn the hat for at least a minute or two..
It seemed everyone wanted a turn and used it as an excuse to act sillier than they already were----which increased my enjoyment of the evening as I love having fun at the expense of others.

Yup. The hat was fun but Teresa's grandpa, Tata Jesse wins the prize for most impressive "headgear." Just look at that hair! Que Hombre! There's no doubt where the Avila women get those impressive tresses. However, hats and hair notwithstanding, I thought everyone looked wonderful---as long as they were laughing. More grinners to follow on separate post.


  • At 10:40 AM, Blogger Chancy said…

    Awesome Lucy. As always you capture the best moments of any celebration.

  • At 10:52 AM, Blogger Joy Des Jardins said…

    Well, the hat is a start Lucy....we'll be waiting for the next installment. We never know what you have up your sleeve....

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Miss Cellania said…

    So glad you're gonna tell us all about it! You ARE just getting started, aren't you?

  • At 1:25 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said…

    What fun pictures, and a fun family!

    I've been to some Southern Baptist weddings and pre-wedding parties that were as serious as funerals. In fact, sometimes I would find myself thinking a funeral would be more entertaining.

    But it looks like your family knows what a wedding is all about! I'm looking forward to seeing more pics!

  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger Rain Trueax said…

    Nice pictures but I know what you mean about feeling swamped by the numbers. I do that now after every birthday family event. And I try to sort through and toss out to save space on the HD but each one is soooooo cute and even though I know I should, I can't do it-- hence am filling up my computer with so much that I can't look at it

  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger kenju said…

    I'd like to attend your next family wedding, Lucy! You all know how to have fun!

  • At 8:19 PM, Blogger Bev Sykes said…

    What fun you all were having.

  • At 3:51 AM, Blogger MizMell said…

    A picture is worth a thousand words... I think they meant a thousand memories... or maybe it was a thousand pictures.
    At any rate, I'm of the sort that believes you never have too many pictures!
    Looking forward to see what's next!

  • At 4:56 AM, Blogger Sky said…

    LOLOL....lucy, you keep me in stitches. and, now i see - the whole family group is made up of comedians! what fun you guys seem to have. these pics are hysterical. you could never post too many pics for your fans. MORE!!

  • At 1:41 AM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said…

    What great fun Lucy....I like the idea of you posting "interesting reaction" type pictures...The hat is great! Your family and extended family are quite wonderfully mad, like you!(lol) And I mean that in the most complimentary way, my dear...everyone seems to have a terrific sense of humor and the ridiculous..The BEST!

  • At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As you probably know, I adore hats! And really loved this one. Also...bravo to Carol for wearing it!
    As for grandpa's hair....I'm jealous! The man will definitely never go bald.
    Looks like this was a really fun time and thanks for sharing it with us.

  • At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great photos AND comments. This hat is simply stunning.


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