Girls' World

From 40-70 there's no doubt men have the advantage. When it comes to free sex, the reasonably interesting 55+ guy with a decent income and no social diseases will beat a witty 55+ year old woman with botox and cosmetic surgery almost every time. He doesn't even need hair. Aside from a few media divas, it doesn't matter how "well-preserved" a woman might be. As far as society and popular "culture" are concerned, Mrs. Robinson was pushing the envelope.
However, excepting Sean Connery, few men in their 70's and beyond seem to retain their edge--or their sense of humor. Hey, I don't claim this is an empirical fact. It's just my opinion---which, at my age I'm certainly entitled to. I also allow there are some frightfully witty old guys like Old Hoss or the eloquent and interesting Octogenarian rattling around in cyberspace. Oh, and of course, there's Art Buchwald.
The thing is, I can name 5 sparkling over-70 women for every irresistible man at that age---not that I plan to get in an actuarial pissing contest about it. (I find old dead guys even less attractive than the live ones.) No offense fellas. Like I said, just my opinion.
As Monk says, "I could be wrong now. But I don't think so. "
At 12:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lucy, when you said I find old dead guys even less attractive than the live ones you said it all! ;)
I can't stop laughing.
You're such a funny lady!
Now of course, I wouldn't mind Art Buchwald for conversation, have you seen that he has actually left the hospice and is spending his vacation at home?
I just can't believe it. He was given dead, back in April!
But I am rambling here, and I'm not even on MY blog ;)
A great post you wrote and I loved it.
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Forgot to tell you that I'll fight you over Sean Connery ;)
At 12:52 PM,
kenju said…
Yeah, I might fight you for Sean too....LOL. I must agree with you, Lucy, everyone but Hoss is humorless and just lives to gripe about everything in the world.
At 2:25 PM,
GUYK said…
Well, I ain't over seventy yet and sweetthing tells me she ain't got no complaints. And that is all that matters to me anyhow. I hope I can maintain a sense of humor when I am 70. hell, I just hope I can maintain some sense when I am 70. I'll have a lot of miles on me by then. I have always maintained that it ain't the age that wears us is the miles and some of us have a lot of them and hard ones at that. All we can do it take care and keep in repair just like we would an old car because there ain't no trade ins for new.
At 2:49 PM,
OldLady Of The Hills said…
LOL, LOL, LOL!!! BRILLIANT, my dear Lucy and soooo damn true, too! My vote is with you my dear...!
At 3:38 PM,
Suzann said…
Lucy - I can barely type for ROFL - you are absolutely too much. Love you to pieces. Suzann
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
gaOh Lucy, that waS A GREAT POST!!!
Didn't mean to have all caps on this comment but I somehow had cap locks on, ok, so I guess I made my point strongly! LOL
At 3:54 PM,
Joy Des Jardins said…
WHAAAAAA!!!!! lucy stop!!!!! WHAAAAA!!!!OW,OW,OW...i'm not kidding....WHAAAAAA!!!
At 3:58 PM,
goldenlucyd said…
Millie brought up one of my favorite sayings: "Nurse or purse." Quite a choice isn't it? Yep, think I'll stay single! You too Millie?!
At 4:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sad, but true...Grumpy Old Men is not just a movie -- it's a common disease. What happens to them? Let's not get that way -- altho your post is funny, there's a lot of truth there. I have met a few grumpy old ladies -- and they're just as bad. Grumpy stinks regardless of your sex. But I'll take Sean Connery even if he's a wee bit grumpy -- I'll just learn to deal with it.
At 4:17 PM,
Miss Cellania said…
Awesome graphic for this post!
I agree about older women. My Mom is about to turn 70 and she can pass for 15 years younger easy, but she's wiser than most her age.
I heard that Sean Connery, though still sexy, has lost his sense of humor.
At 5:11 PM,
Ginnie said…
What a gutsy lady you are. The fact is that most of the happiest women that I know are those that have left the whole "guy thing" behind. I have no idea why men seem to lose their sense of humor after 70...could it have something to do with not being able to keep up with the women that age? Hmmmmm
At 5:24 PM,
Chancy said…
Well now Miss Lucy,
I have the corner on adorable, kind, funny old men over 70. Mr C is 76 and still as cute as a bug in a rug. Or at least I think so. :)
And after almost 55 years together we must be doing something right :)
At 5:43 PM,
goldenlucyd said…
Yayyy! Chancy!!
At 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have Bob (80) and quite frankly, he still, in my opinion, is hot. I know I am looking through eyes of love.
My Aunt Gladys used to say she hated the way pants hang on old guys. She said, "Just look at them, they don't have any butts.
When she first said this, I was a teen-ager and from then on, I was hooked at looking at muscled backsides. Must admit as the backsides I looked at got older, they did seem to disappear.
I do think you have dealt a blow to the ego of most of the guys over at the Senior Center. I applaud you for so beautifully stating your opinion and I imagine you have stirred up a hornet's nest.
At 8:59 PM,
Jamie Dawn said…
I used to watch Monk. I haven't kept up with the show, but he's such a riot. I really like that show.
I agree with you about the old codgers. Older ladies are cute and quite often, like yourself, very pretty. There are very few older men that are at the Sean Connery level. They just don't exist. BUT, go anywhere to any town, and you'll find a lot of cute, older ladies be-bopping around town with their hair perfectly coiffed and wearing bright lipstick and some bling.
At 1:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
I never thought about it - you're right! Especially, the "dead" part. :)
At 5:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Whew....I thought for a moment there I was going to have to go away and come back on a more hospitable day. But being almost 65, not 70, I will cautiously participate in this conversation.
You know, seriously, I had never thought about the point Lucy brings up with regard to humor. I wonder if that "lack of humor" is why men die sooner than women on the average.
If humor ever departs this body - then I want to die. I can not imagine life without it. Life is hard enough...without humor it would just flat out SUCK!
And interacting with Lucy and the rest of you who maintain such a high level of humor in your everyday existence adds to my day immensely. As far as Sean, whatever jerks your chain! :) :)
At 9:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is priceless, Lucy! LOL Especially the comic/graphic.
I say good for you on voicing your opinion. (it IS your blog, after
But...just from my experience in nursing (and this is a comparison with people who are sick and over age 65) I'd have to say "give me an older MALE patient" any day! They were the ones that had a ton of humor and optimism, compared to my female patients who were whiny, complaining and extremely demanding. Just my own experience.
Oh....and put in my dibs on Sean Connery too!
At 10:27 AM,
Cowtown Pattie said…
Where's a box of tissues when you need 'em? (For the laughter tears and nose snorts!)
Lucy - you are a hoot! My own loveable and witty KMan has a wicked sense of humor and we seldom have a day pass without a good belly laugh.
Kman also gives a big snort whenever I swoon over that hot hunk of man, Sean Connery. Isn't he gorgeous?
At 10:34 AM,
MizMell said…
I'll have to agree that "old Hoss" is quite the card, but Sean Connery lost my vote back in the 80's when during a Barbara Walters interview he stated that "every woman needed to be slapped around a bit." Not cool and definitely not an attractive trait.
But how about that Clint Eastwood?
At 11:04 AM,
goldenlucyd said…
A revision:
Thanks, MizMell for reminding me about that despicable remark by Connery. But I still think he's mighty cute--esp that Scottish burr of his, but he's obviously a stinker. Clint Eastwood is a much more appropriate choice for the purposes of my post. Thank you.
And Miss C, I also remember recently hearing Connery has lost his sense of humor. I guess he's just another grumpy old man now. But still sexy.
At 11:10 AM,
goldenlucyd said…
Also, I want to ackowledge there are some really great (and cute) old guys out there. Chancy and all my blogbuds with great ones surely are lucky ducks. I'm just mad I can't find one for me.
At 12:05 PM,
sonia a. mascaro said…
What a witty and funny post, Lucy!
I am glad I found you!
Love Monk's quote! I am his fan, he is very funny and cool!
At 1:07 PM,
Chancy said…
Yuck... Clint Eastwood. Once some years ago we were at Pebble Beach Resort and were having lunch at the casual restaurant there. Clint Eastwood was at the next table. In person he was even back then, a dried up old prune.
Who else is there if we give up on Sean Connery? Nick Clooney, George's dad? Naw---I will continue to drool over George Clooney even though he is way too young for me.
At 3:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, no doubt about it. George is way too young for me, too, but I'm with Chancy -- I'll drool over George instead of his Dad any time. Older women are wayyyy more charming, witty and all that good stuff compared to older men, though. Physically it's pretty much of a toss-up.
There's a very good reason I avert my eyes if I happen to be walking naked past my full-length mirror---that droopy bag of bones is not the thing of beauty it was 50 years ago, fer shure!! So are we females really sure we want to diss old males for being droopy....when our once perky boobs and cute butts now leave a lot to be desired? *sigh*
Well, at least we "girls" know we have always been smarter than the "boys" matter at what age.
At 3:46 PM,
goldenlucyd said…
You said it, Lorraine. And you always say it so well. My but has migrated to my front midsection---but as Millie said I can hide it with clothes and Fredrick's of Hollywood. As If.
Your post today should be manditory reading. We can't bitch and moan if we're not willing to get out and vote.
PS How's that pink cat of yours? I'm so disallusioned.
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sean Connery.. definite hunk material. :-)
At 8:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Right on are fabulous. I'm trying to think of another Sean like man ... and coming up blank. Can't think of one.
At 6:10 AM,
SavtaDotty said…
Great post, Lucyd. I love a man who makes me laugh...any age is fine, and I don't care what he looks like (although smell does matter).
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