More Than I Wanted to Know
We just received an email from the owners of the large dog and incontinent pup currently boarding in our home. May I refer you once again to previous posts? The themes of You'll Kill Yourself and I've Got the Answers are perfectly illustrated by excerpts from the email. I don't think I need to say another thing other than to restate the obvious: The kiddies love to rattle Granny's cage!
"Aaron's turn:
Vang Vieng is surrounded by what I think are called Karsts or jagged peaks that are breathtaking. We spent the last couple of days tubing, caving and eating; these are hard times for us. Van wants me to mention that she's been doing the cha-cha-cha since we left Vietnam. GOD knows why, but she seems to be pretty proud of it. We'll be doing some biking tomorrow into the Karsts and exploring some more caves. Van's been begging me to let her try a specialty here ("happy shakes") and she's upset that I won't let her...
Van's turn: (she always has the last word)
Five bucks a day in a nice, clean hotel makes this place more bearable. And if you eat conservatively, you can get away with spending $3/day/person on food. Tubing was excellent. Aaron jumped off of this really high and "sturdy" swing that was made up of bamboo and rope. Not to mention this was erected on the side of razor-edged rocks. Make sure you tell Grandma the details as I'm sure she will be very excited to hear about this. All and all the 3 hours ride on a tube down the river was fun...And Grandma, please remind Mom, remember she promised not to fix the pup... "
"Aaron's turn:
Vang Vieng is surrounded by what I think are called Karsts or jagged peaks that are breathtaking. We spent the last couple of days tubing, caving and eating; these are hard times for us. Van wants me to mention that she's been doing the cha-cha-cha since we left Vietnam. GOD knows why, but she seems to be pretty proud of it. We'll be doing some biking tomorrow into the Karsts and exploring some more caves. Van's been begging me to let her try a specialty here ("happy shakes") and she's upset that I won't let her...
Van's turn: (she always has the last word)
Five bucks a day in a nice, clean hotel makes this place more bearable. And if you eat conservatively, you can get away with spending $3/day/person on food. Tubing was excellent. Aaron jumped off of this really high and "sturdy" swing that was made up of bamboo and rope. Not to mention this was erected on the side of razor-edged rocks. Make sure you tell Grandma the details as I'm sure she will be very excited to hear about this. All and all the 3 hours ride on a tube down the river was fun...And Grandma, please remind Mom, remember she promised not to fix the pup... "
At 2:56 PM,
kenju said…
I don't know what happened to it - but I left a comment here yesterday, Lucy!
Mr. kenju's nephew and his wife are touring Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, etc. this month.
At 4:16 PM,
goldenlucyd said…
TechnoBrain son Jack reconfigured things to remedy the mess I'd made on my blog. In the process, my last blog and your comment permanently disappeared. He tried to find them but to no avail. I am trying to forgive him.
Re the SE Asia seems to be quite the hotspot these days. Aaron and Van are there for her PharmD residency at the Ho Chi Mihn School of Medicine. (Doesn't that make about as much sense as the Idi Amin School for the Humanities?)
Van is interested in researching and combining Asian folk pharmacy with her more traditional studies from the U of CO.
Anyway, I hope the Kenju nephew and wife have a great (and safe) time.
BTW (I just learned that!) I read the oxymoronic romance poetry you wrote. I want to be you.
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
My Dearest Lucy... Your "other daughter" here-just writing in to let all your fans & readers know that,as a much loved (I hope) member (20 yrs!) of the Jack & Carole mishpocha, I can verify that every word penned by "Ms." GoldenLucy is true. Truer than blue true! Absolutely,insanely true! Having witnessed much of her 4 years in Co. Spgs. including encounters with various four-legged friends,small children,kitchen experiments,brunch,lunch,salon visits,E.R. visits and the continuing good advice she doles out to all her "children" (that would include me), I have to say it is an honor & blessing to be part of Lucy's life up to now,as we know it and as she is so beautifully & candidly sharing it with all of you. Write on Lucy!- I love you... auntie Tob
Posted by auntie tob to Golden Lucy's Spiral Journal at 3/03/2006 04:03:26 PM
At 6:25 PM,
goldenlucyd said…
Thanks Tobi. The check is in the mail.
Shabbat Shalom,
See you for dinner?
Granny Lu
At 6:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why is it that children and grandchildren love to shock us? (ie: sometimes momentarily sending us into cardiac arrest) Really enjoyed your posting! You sure do make me laugh out loud when I'm reading.
I believe you missed your calling as a stand-up comedienne.
At 1:07 PM,
goldenlucyd said…
I never thought of myself as funny or witty. I knew deep down I was reasonably intelligent. (At the least I was a pretty imaginative liar regarding my education---or lack thereof---getting and advancing in jobs.)
However, it wasn't until I moved in with my son and daughter-in-law that having a sense of humor became a matter of life or death. I chose life and have been having a ball. I still don't think I'm really funny. But my life is! Have a great week.
At 4:14 PM,
Chancy said…
Lucy.. Take it from are witty and you have a zany way with words.
Keep writing
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